Monday, May 17, 2010

My Favourite Son-of-a...

You know, I made bloody hell sacrifices to get where I am today. but perhaps i wouldn't mind throwing it all away.

but why would I do that ? why would anyone do that !? its actually quite simple, isn't it. its obvious you don't care about what you have. Of course, my only question to you is then why all that 'bloody hell'sacrifice ?

Maybe it was easy for me. Maybe, it was not a sacrifice...

ok - lets just stick to your fucking idea - and not of the world's idea slash impression of you- ok !? What the fuck !??

yeah, sometimes i didn't go for movies, sometimes i didn't go out to play. but its not exactly with some sort of a sense of vengence or ambition that I did what I did. I did it because I was good at it - because others wanted me to do it

Now hold on a fucking minute - lets stick to just urself ok !? don't drag anyone else into this

yeah - ... ... yeah - it was me, I did what I thought was best - but I wasn't just good enough. not only for the purpose of those "sacrifices" but in everything else - take my love life for example...

Why the fuck do I have to take this everytime !?? What, in the Hell is your problem !???

And the hell do you have to use such language !? I can't see why its so necessary !!! What are you trying to do !? show me that just coz u can vomit explicits that you have a point !? I mean, seriously, what is your problem man !!!???

Alright...but I don't want that shit nomore...look where we started and where we are now. you wanting to throw it all away and now your not-so-fairy-tale romantic crashes. So where's the point of 'you wanting to throw it all away' now ?

I don't know man - its like my existence, its like its empty...only that I am searching for something, that when I find it - it will be all I need and I can melt into oblivion with satisfaction of achieving. i don't want fame, no money just that...that object, no - perhaps that one i don't think so..

Dude, Its that feeling...the feeling on content. but look at others in the world around you. Many of them have made it big coming from humble, lowly backgrounds - and they have made it, graduating from the biggest names in the world, working in the most fanciest of brands...

to each his own, I don't fucking care...

mind it...

ok...but maybe that sense completes them - but mine doesn't . I'm sorry

i'm sorry...for your poor self, i'm sorry for all those who believed in you and worked to get you working

I tried, didn't I. I did all i could but I wasn't good enough...I was never good enough,just the second best maybe. you think people closest to me are proud of me ?

dude, don't do this to yourself...

do you think my teachers remember me, that my friends miss me ? do u think I made a beggar smile

you want to know if you made a difference...there's just one way but it'll take time to come to you. One day man, one get out this headful of crap, and pass me that cigarette...let's go. I've to go early tomorrow...

That was thirty years ago. We are gathered here today to bid farewell to our beloved Mr....guess i'm going to miss his whining - my fav son of a bitch !